Singing Guide: The Vaccines

Singing Guide: The Vaccines

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Vocal Technique:

To sing like The Vaccines, you'll need to have a good grasp of their unique vocal style. The Vaccines' frontman, Justin Young, has a sort of nasally voice that is filled with attitude and swagger. To mimic his style, try incorporating some nasality into your singing. This will help you achieve that unique Vaccines sound.

Songs to Showcase the Style:

Some of The Vaccines' most popular songs include "If You Wanna," "Wreckin' Bar," and "Post Break-Up Sex." Each of these songs showcases the band's unique style and will help you get a feel for what they're all about. Be sure to listen carefully to the vocals and try to mimic them as closely as possible.

Practical Advice:

Here are some tips that will help you improve your singing and get closer to that Vaccines sound:

  • Practice regularly: Singing is a skill, and like any skill, it requires practice to perfect. Make sure you're practicing regularly and dedicating enough time to your vocal exercises.
  • Warm up before singing: Warming up is important for any vocalist, but it's especially crucial if you're trying to sing like The Vaccines. Try humming, practicing scales, or doing some vocal exercises to get your voice ready.
  • Work on your range: The Vaccines have a wide range, so it's important to work on expanding your own. Try to practice hitting both high and low notes, and work on transitioning smoothly between them.
  • Focus on your breath control: Good breath control is key to any type of singing, but it's especially important if you're trying to sing like The Vaccines. Make sure you're breathing deeply from your diaphragm and controlling your breath properly.

Singing Carrots Resources:

Here are some Singing Carrots resources that will help you along your vocal journey:

  • Vocal range test: Take this test to determine your vocal range and compare it to famous singers.
  • Pitch accuracy test: Assess your pitch accuracy with this test.
  • Vocal Pitch Monitor: See your sung notes on a virtual piano with this helpful tool.
  • Pitch Training: This section offers interactive vocal warm-ups and exercises for range and agility.
  • Search songs: Find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference.
  • Artist vocal ranges: Discover the vocal ranges of over 5000 famous singers.
  • Singing course: This 21-lesson program covers singing theory and practical tips.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.